Security information and event management (SIEM) software gives enterprise security professionals both insight into and a track record of the activities within their IT environment. SIEM technology has been in existence for more than a decade, initially evolving from the log management discipline. It combined security event management (SEM) – which analyzes log and event data in real time to provide threat monitoring, event correlation and incident response – with security information management (SIM) which collects, analyzes and reports on log data.
SIEM software collects and aggregates log data generated throughout the organization’s technology infrastructure, from host systems and applications to network and security devices such as firewalls and antivirus filters. The software then identifies and categorizes incidents and events, as well as analyzes them. The software delivers on two main objectives, which are to
- provide reports on security-related incidents and events, such as successful and failed logins, malware activity and other possible malicious activities and
- send alerts if analysis shows that an activity runs against predetermined rulesets and thus indicates a potential security issue.
Security information event management has long been the go-to solution for fighting cyberthreats. Due to architectural complexities, capability deficiencies, and the evolving velocity and sophistication of threats, teams are facing new challenges. The NextGen SIEM Platform was built by security professionals for security professionals. Through years of innovation, we provides an end-to-end workflow to help your team reduce risk. Our platform helps your team achieve its goals, realize rapid return on investment, and scale for tomorrow.
A next-generation SIEM creates a unified user experience to drive high-efficiency workflows and includes metrics to accelerate maturity. To enable that, a next-generation SIEM solution should:
- Offer superior performance and flexible data acquisition to capture forensic data at high rates in its native form no matter where it resides
- Process unstructured data to create a consistent and normalized view, including security specific data features for machine learning (ML)
- Be scalable, have cost-effective indexing, and offer flexible data storage options
- Integrate with security analytics architecture that relies on modern machine-analytics approaches for scenario analytics and behavior analytics to provide greater visibility
- Combine with commercial, open-source, and custom threat intelligence that supports indicators of compromise (IOC) and tools, techniques, and protocol (TTP)-based threat detection and analyst workflows
- Integrate with enterprise systems housing business context (e.g., Identify and Access Management, Centralizes Database Management System) to support threat prioritization and analyst workflows
- Integrate security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) workflow with open APIs and capabilities enabling cross-platform integration with enterprise ticketing and IT automation systems